The origins of aromatherapy and use of essential oils can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and India more than six thousands years. It was used in Ayurvedic medicines, cosmetics, and temple rituals. The spiritual and vital forces of a plant are contained in essential oils. Oils are derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, bushes and seeds. It is the part of the plant that defends it against insects, harsh weather, and disease.
I have been using essential oils the last seven years on myself, my friends and my family. I am amazed at how well it works to: quickly kill bacteria and viruses, uplift moods, penetrate the cell walls, and get rid of pain and discomfort with its healing effects. I have experienced the power of this living substance, and how effective it was in all these areas.
All of doTERRA’s CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils exceed industry standards. The CPTG rating offered by doTERRA are a full step above Organic standard. doTERRA protects the chemical compound of the plant just as it was produced from the earth. One of the requirements for this standard is the oil extracted must be free of foreign materials. Any oil that is found to have foreign material or pesticides would be rejected.
doTERRA’s long-term hope that they grow the demand for essential oils and help develop clean industry standards for local economies around the production of plants and extracts. Steam distillation is a very clean process. No solvents are used in the process, the left over plant material can make good compost, and the water waste stream is clean but for a hint of beautiful-smelling aromatics.
Click here to learn more about Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade standards and testing.